
玛丽米. Piecewicz, MBA, MSPC, PMP

玛丽米. Piecewicz, MBA, MSPC, PMP


Mary joined the 太阳城娱乐 专业研究学院 as an adjunct faculty member in 2010. In 2015, she joined the 专业研究学院 fulltime and held positions as the Program Lead for both the Professional Leadership and the Masters of Public Administration program. Mary became an Associate Dean in the 专业研究学院 in 2018 and retired in 2021. 目前, she is a Professor of Practice for the MPA Senior Leadership Program and continues to teach in the 专业研究学院.

Mary has over 25 years of experience in the high-tech industry as a senior manager in the areas of global operations, 政策, 以及人员管理. A certified Project Manager and Certified Quality Six Sigma instructor, she has worked closely with global and regional teams on corporate wide compliance projects. 她拥有波士顿学院社会学学士学位, 巴布森学院MBA学位, and a Master of Professional Communication from 太阳城娱乐.



Stephanie Marchetti demonstrates a history of advanced leadership throughout both public and private institutions as well as a sincere dedication to public service and the enrichment of the Central 麻萨诸塞州 community. She is the Executive Director of the Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center (MVOC) which is a private non-profit organization that has provided housing and support services to homeless and high risk veterans throughout North Central Mass for over 40 years.

除了她在MVOC的职位, she also serves on the Board of Directors for several other area nonprofits: the Gardner Community Action Committee, RCAP解决方案, 和菲奇堡州立大学校友. Stephanie received her BS and MS in Communications from Fitchburg State University and her EdD from Maryville University of Saint Louis.



With over 30 years of experience in the field of education, Darryll has been a longtime advocate of education and the educational workforce in Central 麻萨诸塞州. Darryll began his career as a classroom teacher in New Hampshire and transitioned into administration while working on his doctorate. 他曾担任副校长, 主要, 营运总监, 副院长室, 和负责人. 作为负责人, 他与城镇管理者密切合作, 选择董事会, 金融委员会, 在第一时间作出回应, and was the lead negotiator with 8 unions while supporting a school system of five unique towns. After retiring from leading the largest regional school district in 麻萨诸塞州, Darryll has been teaching in the Clark MSC and MPA programs, focusing on courses such as Crisis Communication and also Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining.

Darryll拥有文学学士和硕士学位.Ed. from the University of New Hampshire and a Doctorate in Education Policy, 研究, 麻省大学的管理学硕士, 阿默斯特.



克里·莫里斯是政府部门的高级经理 & 负责康卡斯特公司的监管事务, and she has served as an Adjunct Professor at 太阳城娱乐 for the past three years in the 专业研究学院. She is passionate about mentoring students and believes that it is best to learn the professional goals and interests of her students in order to engage them directly based on their passions in conjunction with the course content.

Kerry brings over twelve years of experience in legislative affairs, 法规遵从性, 公共安全, 以及项目管理. She has worked in various roles involving government affairs, 公共关系, 社区参与, as well as transportation and public utilities management in 状态 government. She believes that there is no other higher calling than to serve the public through strategic leadership, 问责制, 透明度, 以及多方面的交流. Kerry received her BS in Political Science and her MPA from Suffolk University.



乔•奥布莱恩 is a driven advocate for social change who has spent four decades working in the government, 社区组织, 和非营利部门促进公共利益. Joe currently works as the Political and Legislative Director of the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, and he has been an adjunct faculty member at 太阳城娱乐 for more than a decade teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses on public 政策 and public administration. Joe was the first director of Clark’s Senior Leadership MPA program and continues to serve as an instructor and advisor to the program. 在木匠店, Joe works to advance pro-worker policies and programs for the union’s 34,000 members and for all working families in New England and New York. 在他来卡朋特家之前, Joe was the founding Executive Director of the Environmental League of 麻萨诸塞州 Action Fund where he worked to advance renewable energy and sustainability policies. He also served for three years as a District Director for 麻萨诸塞州 Congressman Jim Mc政府ern. 在他职业生涯的早期, he also spent 20 years working part-time as an EMS Paramedic and writer.

Joe has extensive experience in politics and has advised, 协助, 或带领40多名当地人, 状态, 以及联邦运动. Highlights of this work include participating in the campaign teams of President Obama, 前马萨诸塞州Lt. 政府. 蒂姆·默里和加州国会议员胡安·巴尔加斯. He is also a former elected leader and served as a member of the Worcester School Committee, 伍斯特市议会, 作为市长.

Joe earned his BA in Urban Studies from Fordham University and his MPA from the JFK School of 政府ernment at Harvard University.